On my hand was an old photo which belongs to a small corner of Sai Gon city . It told about the sunrise was floating superbly under the little pretty bridge with the elegant architecture and above the peaceful river and it was inspiring my heart so much and then i have decided to open the book of my life about the Sai Gon . 2 AM i waked up and my shadow lay solitary on the window that was totally strange and i looked down the Y bridge which is one of the oldest bridge of Sai Gon city and i wanted to feel each beats with the breathless stillness of the early morning . I listened the voice of my heart for conducting a small journey along the road adjacent the peaceful river to step foot into the famous bridge called the vietnamese is "Cau Mong" , there is nothing more interesting than standing at right here for the early morning and admire the very first sunlight of a new day and the fresh c
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